Goodwill’s Mission

Training and Placement

Goodwill South Florida's Vocational Rehabilitation Services Division is the main mission behind its existence.

Through its Vocational Rehabilitation programs, Goodwill South Florida serves thousands of individuals with disabilities and other special needs each year. These programs provide a comprehensive array of professional services in order to help people with disabilities working toward:

  • Obtaining competitive employment in the local labor market
  • Achieving financial stability
  • Pursuing personal goals, other than employment, leading to independence

All of these training and placement services occur with the guidance and support of the Goodwill rehabilitation professionals, who provide continuing case management and support services.

The Goodwill entrepreneurial divisions also provide a realistic work environment where people can grow in their skills, overcome their barriers to community placement, build a work history, and develop a set of long-term goals. This provides individuals with disabilities with the ability to improve their self-esteem and recognize their work as an individual.

Program participants face different challenges to achieve their independence; some can reach their goals in a few weeks, but for others it may take many years.

All of our programs are transitional, including those served in our entrepreneurial divisions. Our commitment to transitioning workers at their peak performance and employ an individualized plan is what makes Goodwill different from traditional schools and employers.

Our Service and Programs

Vocational Evaluation

Vocational evaluation services assist an individual in gaining self-awareness and vocational development by identifying their strengths, abilities, skills, aptitudes, work interests, transferable skills, limitations, needs and preferences. When recommending viable vocational options, the Evaluator considers medical, psychological, social, cultural, and economic information.

Pre-placement Skills Training Program

Pre-placement Training provides work experience and social development to people with Developmental Disabilities. This program enhances work skills and behaviors so that the participants can move upwards through other training programs available to them or advance to employment.

Adult Day Training

Training at the WAC/Adult Day Care provides work experience and social development to people with Developmental Disabilities. This program enhances work skills and behaviors so that the participants can move upwards through other programs available to them.

The Vocational Training Programs

The Vocational Training Programs are taught by Miami-Dade County School instructors in the areas of Environmental Services, Sewing Automation, Retail/Customer Services and Adult Basic Education.

The Work Services Program

The Work Services Program is designed to provide employment opportunities within Goodwill for those participants who require the follow along and support services for a longer period of time. This provides work experience and makes it easier for the individual to be placed in competitive community employment afterward.

The Job Placement Program

The Job Placement Program works with individuals who are seeking employment. This program works to improve the person’s employability skills and then match jobs in the community with the skill sets and preferences of those served.

Supported Employment

The Supported Employment Program facilitates employment for individuals with the most significant disabilities and limitations for whom competitive employment has not occurred, or it has not been successful.

Goodwill Accreditations

We are dedicated to high quality, accountability, and transparency. Ethics and accountability are central to every aspect of our work. Goodwill South Florida has been accredited by respected agencies for nearly 60 years.

We are committed to demonstrating our commitment to creating new opportunities for the people we serve by holding to the highest standards of quality, public accountability and transparency.

  • CARF – The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities Accredits Vocational Rehabilitation Programs.
  • Qlarant – Agency for Healthcare Administration Accredits Developmental Disabilities Services.
  • COE – Council on Occupational Education Committee  Accredits Vocational Adult and Basic Education Programs.
  • ISO 9001:2015 Registered and certified by TUV NORD in the areas of manufacturing of textile goods including military uniforms, flags and accessories.
  • HLAC (Healthcare Laundry Accreditation Council) HLAC is a nonprofit that inspects and accredits laundries that process reusable textiles for hospitals, nursing homes and other healthcare facilities. Our accreditation confirms that our facilities have been independently inspected and adhere to professionally recognized infection control procedures and policies.
  • CIMS Certified (Cleaning Industry Management Standards) This certification applies to Management, Operations, Performance systems and processes that demonstrate we are structured to deliver consistent quality services to meet customer’s needs and expectations. It sets forth processes, procedures and supporting documentation characteristic of a customer driven organization. Goodwill South Florida is CIMS Certified with Honors.

Creating Job Opportunities for People With Significant Disabilities

Known as the AbilityOne Program, the Javits- Wagner-O’Day Act was federally enacted to provide diverse employment opportunities for people who are blind or have other significant disabilities on product and service contracts.

  • Goodwill affords AbilityOne federal customers a wide array of quality services and products, while providing jobs for people with significant disabilities, many who lived below the poverty line and were previously unemployable.
  • Goodwill salutes the AbilityOne Commission, SourceAmerica, and our Federal customers for excellent jobs in Miami-Dade, Broward and Monroe counties that truly employ people with significant disabilities.

SourceAmerica is rooted in AbilityOne. The Federal AbilityOne Program provides employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities, and SourceAmerica was established in 1974 to facilitate the program.

  • SourceAmerica links Federal procurement customers with nonprofits that supply AbilityOne products and services, providing contract management and support along the way.
  • America’s community-based nonprofits constantly fight for a more inclusive workplace. These well-managed nonprofits are dedicated to training and employing workers with significant disabilities, and SourceAmerica provides resources to support them in their mission. By joining the SourceAmerica network, our nonprofit partners are able to compete for contracts held by government and commercial customers. Source America